Human Rights ....... Water Rights

International Human Rights Day community debate

In the International Year of Fresh WaterWater Wisdom logo

Wednesday 10 December 2003

Chaired by Mr Greg Mackie

With a panel of experts

  • The Hon John Hill, Minister for Environment and Conservation and the River Murray
  • Prof Jennifer McKay, Director, Water Law and Policy Group, UniSA
  • Mr Tom Trevorrow, Manager of Camp Coorong, Race Relations and Cultural Education Centre, at Meningie

The Debate will close at approx. 6.35pm to be followed by a special Aboriginal performance of the traditional Swan Egg Song Dance by Major Sumner and his group.


No matter who we are, where we are, and what we do, we are all dependent on water. We need it to stay healthy; we need it for growing food, for transportation, irrigation and industry. 2003 is the year to talk seriously about protecting and respecting our scarce water resources.

Debate Chair will be Festival of Ideas founder, Greg Mackie. He will pose a few critical questions about water to The Hon John Hill, Minister for the Murray, Prof Jennifer McKay, UniSA expert in water policy, and Tom Trevorrow, Manager of Camp Coorong, Race Relations and Cultural Education Centre, at Meningie, before throwing open the forum for audience questions.

Presented by the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre at UniSA in association with the International Human Rights Day SA Planning Committee

Human Rights - Get it Right!


Amnesty International
Torrens Building
220 Victoria Square
Adelaide SA 5000
Phone: 08 8221 5979
Patrick Byrt
Roma Mitchell Community Legal Centre Inc.
PO Box 4018 Norwood South 5067
Phone: 08 8362 1199 / Fax: 08 8362 0410 ;
Nina Boydell Mark Wildy
Global Education Centre
Gordon Russell
Unit Cove Strata Managers
Australian Peace Committee (SA Branch) Inc
11 South Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000
Phone: 08 8332 3461 / Fax: 08 8364 2291
SHINE SA National Campaign Against Landmines
United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA - SA)
Kris Barnett
Community Development Manager
Diversity Directions Inc
3 Ninth Street, Bowden SA 5007
Phone: 08 8346 1762 / Fax: 08 8346 6941 
John Wishart
Angela Hazebroek
Co-convenor of the SA Earth Charter Committee
C/- Planning Partnerships
3/207 The Parade, Norwood 

While the views presented by speakers within The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre public program are their own and are not necessarily those of either the University of South Australia, or The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre, they are presented in the interest of open debate and discussion in the community and reflect our themes of: Strengthening our Democracy - Valuing our Diversity - Building our Future. The Hawke Centre reserves the right to change their program at any time without notice.