22 April 2025

Be taken on an immersive guided tour of the night sky as our astronomer takes you on a journey through space.  Learn about the stars and the many constellaions we see during our voyage around the Sun. Session includes a fulldome movie 'Seeing! A Photon's Journey across Space, Time and Mind'.

Follow the journey of a single photon as it is produced in a distant star, before travelling across the vast expanse of space to land on someone’s retina. This fulldome planetarium show explores some of the fascinating processes of the cosmos, from astrophysics to the biology of the eye and brain. This show is narrated by astronomer and science communicator, Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Age requirement - ages 12+ - children under 12 (including infants) will not be admitted into the Planetarium.


Watch the trailer

UniSA Video