Your career: what's next?

As a UniSA graduate, we’re always here to help you pursue your career goals and appetite for lifelong learning.

Over the course of your life, there may be times when you wish to progress your professional development, upskill, or consider taking a new career path. Whatever you’re thinking for your next steps, be sure to check out the services available to you as a UniSA alumni.

The UniSA Career Services have a range of tools and services, including an Interview360 simulation tool, videos with tips from employers, professional and personal development materials for varying stages of your career. To get in touch directly, you can email the Career Service team via

UniSA CareersHub

UniSA CareerHub

Through the CareerHub you have access to a range of benefits including an active job-board with postings from employers looking for UniSA graduates.

Engineering graduate Bridget Damjor

Upgrade your career

Take a short course and take your leadership skills and career to the next level. Even better still, all alum receive a 15% discount for UniSA Executive Education courses.

Person standing at the end of an illuminated tunnel

Watch: Videos and research webinars

Watch former presentations and panel discussions over a variety of industry topics. Click this link to see past panel discussions and distinguished alumni.

Man with lap-top in front of digital symbol background

Recently graduated and looking for a job?

For 12 months after you graduate you have personalized access to a career mentor and recruitment specialist. Get career advice, attend workshops about interview preparation, job applications, networking, LinkedIn and more. You can book drop-in sessions to review your resume and job application documents. Make the most of these in-person services in your first year as a graduate by booking an appointment through or call +61 (8) 8302 7860.

Young woman

Career support

Available for life, the UniSA Career Service team constantly refine and update tools for you via the Self-Help Career Resources pages. Including, employer videos, tips, career plan support, resume builder tool, job application support and interview preparation toolkits. These tools are designed to support your career progression, at varying stages of your career.
