UniSA Connect - connecting our global business alumni network

Chelsea in action on the field

A lifelong passion for learning

She’s won three premierships and been named in the All-Australian team four times, but finishing her teaching degree is up there with UniSA alum Chelsea Randall’s greatest achievements yet – along with beginning a family. more…

Lieutenant Colonel Sharon Mascall-Dare

Reflecting on Anzac Day

UniSA alum Dr Sharon Mascall-Dare OAM is an Adjunct Associate Professor at UniSA and a Lieutenant Colonel in the Australian Army Reserve. As 25 April approaches, she asks how we might consider Anzac Day in a more contemporary context. more…

More than 1200 people attended a celebration marking the receipt of much-needed vaccine fridges at Kasamanda Rural Health Centre in Mambwe District, Zambia

The ripple effect of education

Inspired by his sister, a former nurse, and her profound impact when helping others, UniSA alum Joseph Mseteka has always believed that everyone deserves quality healthcare irrespective of their geographical location. more...

Vanessa Pirotta with the cover of her book Humpback Highway

Humpback Highway

Discover the fascinating world of whales with acclaimed wildlife scientist Dr Vanessa Pirotta, as she shares her experiences with Professor Chris Daniels, Professor of Biology at the University of South Australia. Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre. watch...

Installation by Bruce Nuske and Khai Liew for Samstag Museum of Art

Attention to detail

A final collaboration between UniSA alumni Bruce Nuske and the late Khai Liew at Samstag Museum of Art celebrates their shared ideas and different approaches to a pared-back aesthetic. more...


NEW Alumni Consultation Group

As a valued member of our community, we invite you to join our Alumni Consultation Group. In 2024 and 2025, we will occasionally call on this group to participate in surveys, focus groups (and similar) relating to the creation of Adelaide University. We would be very grateful for your valuable participation and input.

Join the conversation



Events & Exhibitions

10 April to 30 May >> Now Showing: Cinema Architecture in South Australia

From suburban cinemas to grand picture palaces in the heart of the city, the buildings designed for showing motion pictures in the 20th century became centres of entertainment for South Australians. On show in this exhibition at Kerry Packer Civic Gallery, will be original architectural drawings and photographs of cinemas including the Piccadilly at North Adelaide, Wests on Hindley Street, and the Capri at Goodwood, as well as those from regional areas such as the Ozone at Victor Harbor. Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre and Architecture Museum, UniSA Creative.

Until 28 April >> MAKE Award: Biennial Prize for Innovation in Australian Craft and Design

The MAKE Award is the richest non-acquisitive prize for craft and design in Australia. The finalists in this exhibition, including UniSA alumni, submitted work that demonstrated innovation in technique or material use, and was an extension of the usual practice. Presented by JamFactory.

Thursday 16 May >> Hugh Mackay AO: The Way We Are

Hugh Mackay AO, Australia's revered social psychologist, unveils a compelling portrait of the nation through the lens of a lifetime of research and thousands of insightful interviews. Discussing his latest book, The Way We Are, Hugh will be in conversation with journalist, Julia Lester. Join The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre for an evening of enlightenment – this event is not just an exploration of the present, it’s an opportunity to reflect deeply on the question: What kind of society do we want to become?

Until 28 June >> Children’s Voices from the Bob Hawke Collection

An exhibition exploring the Hon Bob Hawke AC’s unwavering commitment to future generations and his dedication to Australia’s youth through unveiling the "voices of children" in the Bob Hawke Collection. On display are archival records showing the Hawke Government’s work on issues relevant to the younger generation including education, social welfare and environmental policies. The exhibit also includes photographs capturing Hawke’s rapport with children. Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre and The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Library, on display in the Kerry Packer Civic Gallery.

Don’t miss your invitation >> Connect Networking Events

We are busy planning our local and interstate Connect Networking Events for 2024. Never miss an invitation by updating your contact details or email alumni@unisa.edu.au.

Achievements & Opportunities

Women writing on paper

Alumni & Supporter discount

If you missed Free Wills Week you can still access this service offered by UniSA in partnership with Safewill at a 50% discount. So many of our community have already taken up the offer and we thank those who chose to include a gift to UniSA in their Will.


Woman sitting in the House of Representatives

Pathways to Politics for Women

A national, non-partisan initiative to equip women with the skills, knowledge, confidence, and networks they need to run for elected office and thrive as political leaders. Apply by 1 May.


Man reading MOD.s Beyond Broken collection of essays

Beyond BROKEN now available

A collection of essays that explore better systems for better futures, MOD.’s Beyond BROKEN follows the themes of the current exhibition, which emerged from the 2022 Future Themes Forum.

UniSA Alumni - LinkedIn

Left - Glenelg Ozone cinema, 1937, F. Kenneth Milne, photograph by D. Darian Smith, Garnaut collection S308. Right - Hindmarsh Town Hall, Hindmarsh, 1936, Chris A. Smith, Chris Smith collection, S334.Hawke Centre and UniSA logos

Adelaide UniversityCreating a University for the future

MOD. Broken Exhibition Open now.MOD.

Ceramic piece by Bruce Nuske
Samstag logo