John Bastian AM, Bachelor of Business
AM for service to the community of South Australia through a range of economic and social development organisations, and to business.
Fran Kilgariff AM, Radiography Certificate
AM for service to local government in the Northern Territory, to the economic and social advancement of the community of the Alice Springs region, and through contributions to Indigenous, tourism and community health organisations.
Associate Professor Pat Trott AM, Graduate Diploma in Advanced Manipulative Therapy
AM for service to physiotherapy through administrative and academic roles and through a range of professional associations at the state and national level.
Rosemary Warmington AM, Bachelor of Arts in Social Work
AM for service to the community of South Australia, particularly through advancing the recognition and rights of family carers and as an advocate for people with mental illness.
Gunars Berzzarins OAM, Diploma in Accountancy
OAM for service to the Latvian community, and to sport as an administrator and journalist.
Leigh Hall OAM, Bachelor of Arts (Accountancy)
OAM for service to the community of South Australia through local government, business and health organisations.
Ina Harbison OAM, Bachelor of Education
OAM for service to marine conservation in South Australia.
Anthony Metcalf OAM, Diploma in Accountancy
OAM for service to youth, to aged welfare, and to motor enthusiast organisations in South Australia.
Ashleigh Moore OAM (deceased), Masters of Business Administration
OAM for service to community health through Cancer Voices South Australia.
Dr Michael Myers OAM, Doctorate in Business Administration
OAM for service to education and to youth through the Re-Engineering Australia Foundation.
Dr Sally Nobbs OAM, Bachelor of Education (Secondary Physical Education)
OAM for service to the international community, particularly of Nepal, as a fundraiser.
Anthony Robins OAM, Diploma in Technology in Business Administration
OAM for service to the the community of Adelaide, particularly through the Phoenix Society.
Peter Schodde OAM (deceased), Master of Education (Literacy & Languages)
OAM for service to science education, and to a range of professional associations.
Chris Stathy OAM, Masters of Business Administration
OAM for service to the water industry in South Australia.
Robert Styling OAM, Bachelor of Education
OAM for service to people with a disability through advocacy and employment organisations, and to the community.
Geraldine Treloar OAM, Diploma in Chiropody
OAM for service to the podiatry profession.
Ildiko Wetherell OAM, Associate Diploma of Arts (Liberal Studies)
OAM for service to the Hungarian community in South Australia.
Trevor Scholl CSM, Graduate Certificate in Human Factors and Safety Management Systems
CSM for meritorious devotion to duty as the Warrant Officer Engineer, Joint Task Force 639 Air Component Coordination Element.
Margot Foster PSM, Diploma of Teaching (Primary)
PSM for outstanding public service in the area of education.
Grantley Stevens APM, Bachelor of Business (Human Relations Development) and Graduate Certificate in Management
APM for contribution and commitment to SAPOL and the community.