If you would like to get in touch with UniSA, you will find key contact information below. We also have a large number of frequently asked questions on Ask UniSA that may help with your enquiry. If calling from outside South Australia or Australia, view our dialling information for external callers.

Dialling information for external callers

Please note that all standard landline telephone numbers throughout Australia are eight digits in length. Australian mobile and toll-free numbers will differ. If calling outside of South Australia, add the area code (08) before the landline eight digital number. If calling outside of Australia, add +61 8 before the landline eight digital number, or +61 4 for mobile numbers.

For example, if seeking to dial 8302 2376

  • Within South Australia – dial 8302 2376
  • Outside of South Australia – dial (08) 8302 2376
  • Outside of Australia – dial +61 8 8302 2376

If seeking to dial 0412 345 678

  • Within Australia – dial 0412 345 678
  • Outside of Australia – dial +61 4 12 345 678