A graduate of the University of South Australia operates effectively with and upon a body of knowledge of sufficient depth to begin professional practice.
A graduate will:
- demonstrate an understanding in broad outline of a whole discipline or professional area (concepts, theories, proponents) including a knowledge of the boundaries
- apply knowledge (demonstrate application of theory to practice in real situations, appreciate limitations of theory, use materials, devices, safety codes and practices, specific equipment and techniques appropriately)
- identify the methodological and substantive limitations of the field and apply the discipline or professional area's mode of inquiry
- recognise the social and historical context of knowledge
- demonstrate an understanding of the needs, interests, protocols and perspectives of Indigenous groups
- demonstrate appropriate understanding of current research areas in the discipline or professional area.
A graduate...is prepared for lifelong learning in pursuit of personal development and excellence in professional practice.
A graduate will:
- locate, evaluate, manage and use information in a range of contexts - ie be information literate
- understand the limitations of, and have the capacity to evaluate, their current knowledge
- understand and accept personal weaknesses, strengths and preferred learning styles, have knowledge of a range of learning strategies, and take responsibility for their learning and development
- respond confidently to change in a flexible and adaptable manner
- maintain a positive concept of self as capable and autonomous
- sustain intellectual interest and critical thinking as a mature professional.
A graduate...is an effective problem solver, capable of applying logical, critical and creative thinking to a range of problems.
A graduate will:
- gather, evaluate and deploy relevant information to assist problem solving - ie analysis and synthesis
- define researchable questions in the discipline or professional area
- initiate creative responses to problems and frame such responses as opportunities
- apply strategies to conceptualise problems and formulate a range of solutions.
A graduate...can work both autonomously and collaboratively as a professional.
A graduate will:
- work in a self directed way
- use logical and rational argument to persuade others, to negotiate with others
- work collaboratively with different groups, identify the needs of others and build positive relationships
- provide leadership within a team context by understanding responsibilities for organisation, planning, influencing and negotiating
- work in a team (cooperate with all team members, share ideas, forgo personal recognition, negotiate solutions when opinions differ, resolve conflict, recognise strengths of other team members, share responsibility, convey a shared vision for the team, display a commitment to make the team function effectively).
A graduate...is committed to ethical action and social responsibility as a professional and citizen.
A graduate will:
- demonstrate a commitment to personal ethical actions within professional contexts
- define social aspects of a particular technology (political, economic, legislative, sociological, environmental etc)
- appreciate the impact of social change, the political decision-making process and economic imperatives of business and industry
- recognise social justice issues relevant to the discipline and professional area
- recognise the potential social and economic impact of enterprise activities upon particular social groups
- appreciate the importance of sustainable development
- demonstrate responsibility to the community - be aware of safety, efficiency, innovation, cost-effectiveness.
- consider the relationship between the construction of power and privilege and the ability of discipline knowledge to perpetuate or dismantle social inequality with respect to Indigenous groups.
A graduate...communicates effectively in professional practice and as a member of the community.
A graduate will:
- demonstrate oral, written, mathematical and visual literacies as appropriate to the discipline or professional area
- display sensitivity to their audience in organising and presenting ideas
- communicate appropriately with professional colleagues and the public
- demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of Indigenous community protocols and communication styles.
A graduate...demonstrates international perspectives as a professional and as a citizen.
A graduate will:
- display an ability to think globally and consider issues from a variety of perspectives
- demonstrate an awareness of their own culture and its perspectives and other cultures and their perspectives
- appreciate the relation between their field of study locally and professional traditions elsewhere
- recognise intercultural issues relevant to their professional practice
- appreciate the importance of multicultural diversity to professional practice and citizenship
- appreciate the complex and interacting factors that contribute to notions of culture and cultural relationships
- value diversity of language and culture
- appreciate and demonstrate the capacity to apply international standards and practices within the discipline or professional area
- demonstrate awareness of the implications of local decisions and actions for international communities and of international decisions and actions for local communities.