...Jacqueline Hocking has a keen sense of the connection between Australian post–colonial history, and the rift between Irish and English, this informing her interest in issues of class and social division.
Born 1971, Brisbane, Queensland
Only one generation removed from her Irish heritage, Jacqueline Hocking has a keen sense of the connection between Australian post–colonial history, and the rift between Irish and English, this informing her interest in issues of class and social division.
Hocking takes large quantities of domestic dinnerware, some of it intact – much of it broken remnants – and systematically encodes each plate or shard with phrases and words such as "class", "structure", "order" and "system". Now processed into their classifications and subservient order, the plates and shards are immaculately boxed and presented, forming a paradigm of the way in which society sets up systems to categorise itself.
Ross Wolfe from his Samstag essay, Samstag The First Millenium
1993 Anne & Gordon Samstag International Visual Arts Scholarship
1993 MFA, University of Ulster, Belfast, Northern Ireland
1992 Bachelor of Visual Arts, University of New England, Lismore