Legal Advice Clinic
Providing free, confidential legal advice to members of the South Australian community.
The Legal Advice Clinic provides advice on a range of matters, including criminal, family, debt claims, car accidents, tenancy, and neighbourhood disputes.
Staffed by law students, you will be offered free legal advice under the supervision of qualified legal practitioners.
Trained in professional conduct, Clinic staff are courteous, respectful and professional at all times. Client information and enquiries are kept confidential.
Assistance is offered at UniSA’s City West campus. Secure and confidential Tele-law services are also available.
Appointments are essential.
During 2025 we are providing free legal advice at the UniSA City West Campus Clinic, the UniSA Health Clinic in Elizabeth South (Outreach legal service), and our secure and confidential Tele-law services. Appointments can be made by telephoning (08) 8302 7436 and leaving your name and contact number.
If you require urgent legal help in the meantime, we suggest that you contact the Legal Services Commission telephone advice line on 1300 366 424
Assisting those who might otherwise be denied access to justice because of financial or social disadvantage, the Clinic offers varying styles of service and advice.
At UniSA City West Campus, UniSA Health Clinic Elizabeth and by Tele-law services the Clinic offers advice on matters concerning:
- Car accidents
- Consumer credit
- Consumer disputes / complaints
- Contract law
- Criminal charges
- Debt claims
- Discrimination
- Employment
- Expiation notices/court fines
- Family law
- Intervention orders
- Motor vehicle issues
- Neighbourhood disputes
- Property damage
- Tenancy
- Traffic charges
The Clinic is unable to provide:
- Advice to both sides in a legal dispute
- Advice on migration law, power of attorney, personal injury claims, tax issues, and wills
- Court representation
- Funding for your costs or expenses
- Legal advice over the telephone
Please ensure you bring all relevant documentation to your appointment. If we are unable to assist you with your legal matter we will refer you to the appropriate services (where possible).
In addition, the Legal Advice Clinic conducts Community Legal Education (CLE) on most areas of the law and is available to run free CLE sessions for community groups. If you would like more information on our service, please contact us.
The Legal Advice Clinic 2021 Annual Report can be viewed here.
UniSA City West Campus and Elizabeth Clinics
Legal service: Free
Our Clinics offer advice on matters such as criminal, family, debt claims, car accidents, tenancy and neighbourhood disputes.
Initial appointments are 60-minute interviews where you will discuss your legal problem with two UniSA law students. After the interview, the students will review your legal issue with a qualified legal practitioner.
Useful Resources
Legal Services
- Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement, Inc.
- Aged Rights Advocacy Service Inc. (ARAS)
- Australian Human Rights Commission
- Courts Administration Authority
- Environmental Defenders Office (SA) Inc.
- Equal Opportunity Commission
- Foolkit - A Lawyer's Toolkit
- Independent Advocacy SA Inc.
- JusticeNet SA
- Law Society of South Australia
- Legal Services Commission of South Australia
- Litigation Assistance Fund (LSSA)
- Nunkuwarrin Yunti of SA Inc.
- Office of Consumer and Business Affairs
- Ombudsman SA
- Public Trustee
- SA Health - Planning Ahead
- RentRight SA's Housing and Advocacy Service
- Victim Support Service Inc.
- Women's Information Service
- Women's Legal Service SA
- Working Women's Centre
Community legal centres
- Central Community Legal Service
- Northern Community Legal Service
- Riverland Community Legal Service Inc.
- Roma Mitchell Community Legal Service
- Southern Community Justice Centre
- Limestone Coast Community Justice Centre
- Westside Community Lawyers Inc.
Self-Help Booklets
- Setting Aside Judgment in the Magistrates Court
- Licences and Traffic Offences
- Pleading Guilty – know where you stand
- Judgment Debts and Investigation Summons Hearings - Managing Court Ordered Payments
- The Why and How of Protecting your Designs
Legal Advice Clinic Annual Reports
Teaching & Learning
The Clinic offers an important community service and provides an opportunity for undergraduate law students to use their legal knowledge and develop their professional skills. The student-run Clinic equips students with the clinical legal skills and knowledge required for the practice of law.
The Clinic aims to provide an educational environment which promotes access to justice and encourages law students to be client-centred, ethical practitioners. We develop practical legal skills by providing innovate, interesting and challenging educational opportunities for our law students and an educational environment in which students are encouraged to ask questions and learn from their mistakes.
Clinic contact details
UniSA City West Legal Clinic
Please contact us by telephone to arrange an appointment. If you leave a message for us to return your call, we will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible.
Telephone: (08) 8302 7436
UniSA City West campus
Level 1 (Ground Floor), Lewis O'Brien Building
Corner of George Street and Hindley Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Clinic hours
By appointment during teaching terms.
UniSA Health Clinic Elizabeth
Please contact us by telephone to arrange an appointment. If you leave a message for us to return your call, we will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible.
Telephone: (08) 8302 7436
UniSA Health Clinic Elizabeth, co-located with ACH
26A Mark Road
Elizabeth South SA 5112
Clinic hours
By appointment during teaching terms.